Jul 30 2008
I’m SO Honored!
Wow, am I ever-so honored! The VirtualRadioNetwork has named ME (yes, lil’ ole’ me) as their businesswoman of the week!
Check out the interview here:
Jul 30 2008
Wow, am I ever-so honored! The VirtualRadioNetwork has named ME (yes, lil’ ole’ me) as their businesswoman of the week!
Check out the interview here:
Jul 21 2008
My grandmother and step-grandfather virtually raised me. Some of my most precious memories are of doing things with both grandparents – whom I miss dearly.
So, when the story of Randy Pausch began circulating, I took notice. It was about death – and recently, I’ve lost some very dear people in my life – including my beloved grandmother.
Stop what you’re doing and watch this re-creation of Randy’s last lecture. YOU deserve to take just a few minutes to deal with the death of someone very close to you – before it happens – or even to help you deal with a death that has already happened or to prepare your family for your future death:
Jul 16 2008
Let’s clear the air: Here is my take on education. It was only five years ago that Kindergarten teachers were teaching everything you needed to know in Kindergarten, starting at day one.
Now, kids are expected to KNOW things, and are tested on the following within the first few months of Kindergarten:
As the year progresses, Kindergartener’s will need to know both upper- and lower-case letters and numbers (up to 30), in- and out-of-sequence. More colors and shapes will be added including hexagon and octagon and more coins such as quarter and dollar.
Children need to know their name, address and phone number and be able to get dressed for outside play and use the bathroom independently, to make that first year a success!
So when the first parent teacher conference happens, your teacher gives you the results. Your child only knew 5 of 26 letters all mixed up, only recognized the number 1-5 mixed up to 10, could identify basic colors, correctly identified the circle, diamond and a square and was not able to identify the coins, penny, nickel or dime.
Many parents disengage with education at that point – at their first Kindergarten parent teacher conference!!!! In their mind, they are thinking—why did you not tell me before Kindergarten that this is what kid needs to know? Coins? I thought my kid would swallow coins—never thought I needed to teach them that before Kindergarten!
Sadly our early education teachers are not aware of how advantage the Kindergarten curriculum has become. I do presentations to early childhood teachers who, many times, are not part of a public school system and fall through the cracks. This is one of the problems with education today.
A parent’s first touch with education needs to be Public Service Announcements and teaching that education for their child(ren) should begin when they are toddlers.
My “Let’s Get Ready” books are what kids will be working on for the entire Kindergarten year, so the more they see it, the more it will make sense when they have that “aha moment”.
It’s like the seat belt law. If you teach a child to wear their seat belt, they will teach their parents, grandparents, older siblings and family friends to wear theirs.
With my books, the kids will teach their parents that they, too, need to be involved in the educational process for them to succeed! REMEMBER: Parents are our children’s FIRST TEACHERS!
And, did you know that there is no standard Kindergarten text book? Think about that. No text book for Kindergarten! How can you build a house without a blueprint? How can you not not use Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten?
Jun 11 2008
Research has proven time and time again, that a child’s parents/caregivers and their first teacher are their most important role models. Therefore it is critical that you show your child that the learning process can be fun, by being a positive and fun learner yourself. Listed below are tips to help you instill the love of learning by setting an example in the following areas:
Taking an active role in your child’s life will help him/her succeed in learning and in life!
Copyright 2008 Cedar Valley Publishing, Stacey Kannenberg; Author of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
What are some of the things your parents passed on to you as a Kindergartener? Are you passing them on your children, or have you passed on something different?
Apr 22 2008
Introducing basic early childhood skills at home will encourage a child to have positive learning habits necessary to succeed in Kindergarten. Incorporating basic skills will prepare a child for a successful school experience because he/she will ultimately develop a natural love for learning.
Prepared below is a list of early childhood skills that can be introduced and practiced at home and school:
Copyright 2008 – Stacey Kannenberg, Author of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
Is your child ready? What F-U-N things are you doing to get him/her prepared?
Nov 03 2007
At almost every single parent workshop I give, someone will ask me “Stacey, how did you decide between public, private, Christian or home school?”
My answer seems to shock many, yet inspire others.
As a family, back in February of 2004, we visited all the schools in our area: public, private, Christian, and even tried a few days of home schooling so we could make our decision as a family. On our visits, we would ask to sit in and visit with every Kindergarten class. Every principal commended us for making this a family decision and we were shocked when we found that we were in the 1% club—only 1% of parents ever actually do what we were doing. I was shocked!
We walked the halls and ate lunch in every school cafeteria as a family. My husband was a strong supporter of his Christian Lutheran School that he had attended as a child. But, the 30-minute drive one-way was less appealing to me, especially during a Wisconsin winter, as I was the designated bus driver.
I was a product of public school because I lived in a rural setting with no other options within 50 miles. We discussed each school, looking for input from our soon to be 5 and 3 year old daughters. It was a surprise to my husband and I, that we had unanimously selected the public school, three minutes from our home. Heidi selected Mrs. Neitzke as her Kindergarten teacher, so we sent the school a letter for teacher request and completed her pre-Kindergarten screening and enrollment paperwork.
Because I was a stay-at-home Mom, I promised my family that I would embrace our new public school with a home school, Christian mentality:
Whichever method you chose to school your children, as long as it is a family decision, you (as a parent) are armed with confidence, and are actively involved in the education process; your children will succeed academically, socially, mentally and physically.
Copyright 2007, Stacey Kannenberg, Cedar Valley Publishing, Author of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
Care to share the steps you took to select your child’s educational path? Perhaps your ideas will help make the process easier for another family.
Oct 30 2007
How often have you heard the aged-old cliché that “Every child is different”?
More importantly, how often have you, as parents, actively and positively done something about your children’s differences in regards to furthering their education?
I’m not talking about actively treating each of your children differently and making excuses for their weakness.
I’m talking about actively extenuating their differences and positively encouraging our children to turn their weaknesses into their newest strengths?
As a mother of two, I faced many differences in my daughters; perhaps because I treated them differently. I noticed that I enabled my older child, and picked up after the younger one.
As an early child education author and advocate, I noticed that their personal weaknesses, through some influence on my part, may have a direct impact on their ability to learn, so I had to address each issue one by one.
It was most apparent to me when my younger child was entering Kindergarten. I felt a compelling need to write a letter to my daughter’s teacher and give it to her on the first day of school.
The main points I wanted to address were as follows:
Our second daughter is:
Now you’ll understand why I’ll be crying uncontrollably as I walk sobbing down the hall after leaving my little baby in your care.
This is only one example how I, as a parent, felt a need to actively address the issues concerning my daughter’s education. And, kindergarten is not too early.
Be involved from the beginning and your child’s education will flourish.
Copyright 2007– Stacey Kannenberg, Cedar Valley Publishing, Author of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
How do you acknowledge and celebrate the differences in your child? Have you discussed these differences with his/her teacher and work as a team? How’d you open up this dialogue?
Oct 24 2007
Most schools will test a Kindergartener within the first month. Listed below are:
5 Things a Kindergartener Need to Know during that period…
As an early childhood education author, I highly recommend parents help prepare their son/daughter for their first parent/teacher conference for Kindergarten. Your child should understand that at certain points of the school year, you will meet with his/her teacher to discuss how they can help him/her have a fun and successful school year. There’s nothing to worry about, as this is an opportunity to get to know his/her teacher better too.
As the year progresses, a Kindergartener will need to know the following things:
Knowing these basic benchmarks and preparing your child will help you both have a successful first formal year of school – in Kindergarten.
Copyright 2007, Stacey Kannenberg, Cedar Valley Publishing, Author of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
How’d you help your Kindergartener prepare? What do you think of the advancement of Kindergarten these days? Do you recall learning all of this before First Grade?
Oct 16 2007
As a nation, we need to do a better job of educating our parents that we are our children’s first and best teacher. After all, we were the ones who taught them how to eat, drink, walk, and respond back to the call of their names.
In my experience as an early childhood education author, advocate and mother of two; I’ve witnessed far too many parents fear “teaching” when they send their child to pre-school. I don’t see that parents fall victim to laziness; rather they fall victim to not knowing the unknown. Parents start to feel that they no longer have the skills and abilities to keep up with the educational standards and techniques to teach their child correctly. And, the higher their child proceeds through the primary grades, the parent becomes less and less involved in the education of their most beloved child.
We need this to stop!
Remember when learning was fun?
One of my most memorable “educational” moments happened in the bowling alley when I was 5 years old. I was with my friend Steve Barnaby and his older sister Laurie. Laurie was taking Spanish in school and decided to teach us how to count to 10 in Spanish. To this day, I can recite 1-10 in Spanish, without any problems. Ask me what I retained from a semester in high school and college; my answer…“No Habla Español!”
Why does my mind retain what I learned in 30 minutes when I was 5? It’s because I retained the memory of a fun game and the laughter shared. I remember our parents being equally excited and proud of us as well. We felt satisfaction and joy, rather than a bored lesson plan and structured reading assignment.
As a nation, we need to break the myths that our preschool teachers are babysitters and our Kindergarten teacher will teach them to become good students. The shift in education is apparent as more families choose to home school. The old stereotype of the isolated home-schooled child is no longer a reality. Homeschool groups provide unlimited networking opportunities for social and sporting activities; and teachers at home and school are realizing the importance of making learning fun!
I thank all the homeschool parents who have inspired me to bring a home school mentality to our family. Even though we have opted for a different route, I know I’m my child’s ultimate teacher and I must foster learning anytime of the day wherever we are.
A teacher leading a lecture at the podium may be appropriate for large core classes in college; but that’s years away from elementary school.
A perfect example of an interactive parent-teacher-student lesson plan is when a teacher invited her students’ home for a day of cooking to end their unit in fractions. She had parent helpers, permission slips and buses. Undoubtedly, the students retained their understanding of fractions. I know it would have helped me. To this day, I get a pained look on my face when I think about fractions, one of dread and gloom. While not all teachers can host children in their homes nationwide, we as parents can introduce fractions while we’re preparing our daily dinners and make learning fun for the whole family.
I challenge our nation’s parents to remain confident in their roles as their child’s first and best teachers. Involving our children in our daily duties and responsibilities can be a fun learning experience for everyone involved.
Copyright 2007, Stacey Kannenberg, Cedar Valley Publishing, Author of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
Pairing household chores and errands with learning can be both fun and productive. In what ways do you make learning fun for your child?
Oct 05 2007
Are you a stay-at-home parent who needs an escape from the daily grind?
You love your life but some days…you just need to release?
If you are not already involved in a playgroup – you need to be!
I agree with most people who believe the benefit of a playgroup is for children to have social interaction.
But, having a playgroup for my kids was also a break for me as well.
Whether you’re already involved in a playgroup but feel that you are not connecting with that group, or are interested in starting your own, here are some helpful tips to get your play time scheduled and ready to go:
Always remember: families that play together—stay together!
Copyright 2007, Stacey Kannenberg, Cedar Valley Publishing, Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
Have you started your own playgroup? How did you meet your members? Share your tips for a successful playgroup here!