As parents/caregivers, you can help your First Grader learn with ease and confidence by implementing these everyday tips:
- Communicate concerns and/or expectations with your child’s teacher.
- Foster independence by giving chores: setting the table, dusting, putting silverware away, etc.
- Follow a daily routine to help your child transition smoothly from school to home each day. For example, empty his/her backpack together and review its contents. Schedule homework, playtime, dinner/conversation, bathtime, shared reading time and bedtime.
- Write important home/school events on the calendar: teacher conference, picture day, vacation days, early release days, etc.
- Volunteer in your child’s class/schoolroom or ask how you can help from home.
- Support your child by attending school functions.
- Praise hard work when completing projects and learning.
- Read various types of books, and discuss the author, illustrator and its content.
- Nurture, motivate and instill self-esteem in your child by listening to him/her.
Take an active role in your child’s life and just watch him/her succeed at anything and everything he/she does!
Copyright 2008 Cedar Valley Publishing, Stacey Kannenberg; Author of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
What’s your favorite transition ritual that you perform with your child each day? Why?
Research has proven time and time again, that a child’s parents/caregivers and their first teacher are their most important role models. Therefore it is critical that you show your child that the learning process can be fun, by being a positive and fun learner yourself. Listed below are tips to help you instill the love of learning by setting an example in the following areas:
- Let your child see you read and learn.
- Build your child’s vocabulary by explaining and discussing everyday activities.
- Turn travel, meal, bath and bed time into a fun learning experiences.
- Read, read, read and read some more! Make it part of your daily routine to read as much as possible.
- When reading with your child, sit side-by-side or have your child sit on your lap, in a comfortable, quiet area.
- Use your finger to explore the book’s pages (left to right and top to bottom).
- Visit the local zoo, library and museum. While on your tour, ask questions and having fun exploring.
- Always have paper, pencils, crayons, glue and scissors readily available.
- Encourage good hygiene at home and at school, including proper bathroom habits, washing hands, blowing nose and covering mouth when coughing or sneezing.
- Lay out clothes, make lunch, organize school folders and assemble backpack the evening before school.
- Discuss positive solutions for problems that might occur, such as bullying, teasing, bathroom accidents, etc.
- Make sure your child gets the required 10-12 hours of sleep and a nutritious breakfast.
- Before entering school, update immunization records and schedule hearing, vision, dental and physical exams.
- Nurture, motivate and instill self-esteem in your child. Listen to your child’s concerns, interests, and problems.
Taking an active role in your child’s life will help him/her succeed in learning and in life!
Copyright 2008 Cedar Valley Publishing, Stacey Kannenberg; Author of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
What are some of the things your parents passed on to you as a Kindergartener? Are you passing them on your children, or have you passed on something different?
If two brothers can change the face of aviation, then I can tackle education!! This is my platform.
I was a mom who was trying to get my own kids ready for school and was shocked at how advanced Kindergarten has become. Starting the education process in Kindergarten is already too late. We need to empower kids at ages 2-4 to inspire parents and preschool teachers to all work together to be involved in education.
A generation of children were taught to wear seat belts and they taught their parents and grandparents. Teach children what they need to know and they will inspire their parents to become vested in education as well. That’s the key!
A homework assignment for parents everywhere!!! Do these 6 things daily and your children will succeed!
- Stop, Drop, and Listen. Stop what you are doing, drop to their level and listen to your child talk about their day, daily!
- Unload the backpack/ homework folder with your kids daily. Be involved in helping them stay on track for the next day!
- Read with your kids every night for 15 minutes.
- Play a repetitive game with your kids for 15 minutes. You could even do 10 pushups and 10 sit-ups as a family!
- Ask open ended questions to help your kids learn to communicate effectively.
- Be involved in school activities and join your PTA/PTO!
Copyright 2007, Stacey Kannenberg, Cedar Valley Publishing, Author of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
Letting children know you care is one of the best ways to help them stay on top of their game. What’s your favorite way to stay involved?