Are you a stay-at-home parent who needs an escape from the daily grind?
You love your life but some days…you just need to release?
If you are not already involved in a playgroup – you need to be!
I agree with most people who believe the benefit of a playgroup is for children to have social interaction.
But, having a playgroup for my kids was also a break for me as well.
Whether you’re already involved in a playgroup but feel that you are not connecting with that group, or are interested in starting your own, here are some helpful tips to get your play time scheduled and ready to go:
- Set a date. Once it’s scheduled on the calendar, you committed to making it happen.
- Select a time. Pick a good time for you and your kids, i.e., mornings before lunch and naptime, seem to be the favorite.
- Pick a place. If you don’t want the fuss and mess at home, go to the park or pick a place with a play area such as the local mall.
- Plan for a healthy snack. If you are on the go, have something simple for the park or a healthy treat (such as crackers, grapes, baby carrots, celery sticks, etc) at the play area for parents and kids to enjoy.
- Invite fun people that you want to come for both you and your kids. The key to a successful playgroup is surrounding your family with fun people who both you and your child will enjoy. Decide if you want a big group or a small group and decide if you want to invite people you don’t know as well, such as a friend’s friend.
- Don’t know any fun people? Go find them. Meet people at the library, the park, the zoo, or your favorite play land and start a conversation. Do you enjoy talking to them? Are your children playing well together? Are you having fun? Trust your gut! If it feels right, make a date to meet with them again. Invite them to your existing playgroup or start a new one and include this new family.
- Always be on the look out for a new friend. You can be standing in line at the grocery store or at pre-school registration, since you may never see them again, if your eyes meet, and they seem nice, start a conversation. If it feels right, invite them to your existing playgroup or decide to meet solo and ask yourself, “Does it feel right”? “Do I want to meet again”? If yes, do it.
- Parenthood can be difficult and creating friendships with other parents just makes sense. If you feel like the isolated family who isn’t having much fun, you need to make the decision to make a change. Start talking. Even if you are a shy person, when you see your kids making friends on the playground, it’s your job to get to know their parents. If everyone is getting along, try to get together again soon.
Always remember: families that play together—stay together!
Copyright 2007, Stacey Kannenberg, Cedar Valley Publishing, Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
Have you started your own playgroup? How did you meet your members? Share your tips for a successful playgroup here!
I loved staying at home with my kids. I gave notice the same day I dropped my baby off for her first day at a sitter’s home. She was 5 months old and I cried the entire day. I had called my husband crying several times that morning and we agreed to meet at noon in a parking lot not far from his office. We were both in tears. I told him that I could not let someone else take care of our child; I wanted it to be me. So we both decided that I would give up my job and I would stay at home.
I was already working from home, my boss was 3,000 miles away and I would have a conference call with the home office once a week. The only downfall was the weekly overnight travel schedule. I was still nursing with not much success pumping. My heart was not in my existing job; my new passion became our new baby. So I gave notice that day. My company allowed me to work out my notice around my child’s schedule and our family started to make some changes to our lifestyle for me to be a full-time mommy. Here are some things that worked for our family:
- Crunch the numbers. In our situation, we were in a higher tax bracket with two salaries, so without my salary, we dropped down to a lesser tax bracket and found most of my salary was going to Uncle Sam rather than in our pocket anyway.
- Make sure both of you are on the same page for one of you to stay at home. Set the ground rules with responsibilities on both sides: not because one goes to work all day, the other has to do everything else. That is never a fair arrangement!
- Trust your gut. Being a 24/7 at home parent is hard work. It’s not for everyone. Be honest with each other to determine if it is the right decision for your family. If you decide that working gives you a release and makes you happier, for goodness sakes, don’t let guilt get in the way. Instead embrace your outside opportunities with the positives and stay focused on the benefits!
- Run your household like a corporation: upper management needs to have meetings to discuss human resources, operations, engineering, delegation, maintenance and scheduling.
- Set a schedule. Plan exercise time, snack time, reading time, playtime, nap/quiet time and clean-up time and act accordingly. When it’s nap/quiet time you can be starting dinner, folding laundry, reading a book or mediating. Exercise time means everyone needs to get up and burn calories, walking around the yard, dancing to a favorite tune, doing jumping jacks or hopping on one foot. Moving is exercise!
- Have fun! They grow up so fast, before you know it they don’t want to take naps cuddled together on the sofa, play puzzles with you or help set the table for dinner.
- Make it a point to have your children get into the habit of welcoming home both parents from work or shopping. Everyone likes a welcoming committee complete with the sound of running feet after a quick trip to the grocery store or when Daddy comes in from a day at work.
- Make your own special rituals. If my children are awake when Daddy leaves for work, we do group hugs. My husband and I each put a child in our arms and we all hug together. A family that hugs together stays together!
Copyright 2007, Stacey Kannenberg, Cedar Valley Publishing, Author of Let’s Get Ready For Kindergarten! and Let’s Get Ready For First Grade!
Are you considering becoming a Stay at Home Mom (SAHM)? If you’re on the fence, get out the paper and pencil and get busy. Make a list of pros and cons, crunch the household numbers, and most importantly consider what is really right for both you and your family.